As of today, I am seeking a new position in the Detroit area.
As you know from my last post, I had resigned from my position as UX Specialist at Epitec to join the team at Blue Wheel Media as Creative Director. For years, the role has been my dream job, and I've gathered a lot of ideals that I was eager to bring to the role. Being a Creative Director carries a special weight and a special function, and the opportunity seemed heaven-sent.
Long story short, and without delving into unnecessary details, I am no longer with Blue Wheel Media. It was clear to me after a day and a half of employment that the culture and approach was drastically different from the modus operandi I've developed over the years as a creative. It is extremely unfortunate for both sides, and I regret that the differences weren't caught before I started.
My sincere best wishes are extended to the entire team at Blue Wheel. They are young, energetic, feisty, and forward-thinking. I do not have a doubt that they will continue to prosper and bring in great clientele, and I don't wish for the parting-of-ways to reflect poorly on them as a company. For the most part, this is simply a case of not finding the common ground needed for me to thrive and serve well in the role. I am sure they will find a capable Creative Director who serves their needs well; it was never meant to be me.
My scandalously brief tenure with Blue Wheel will forever be remembered as my "Kardashian job". It was a great learning experience in the value of properly testing the chemistry between a company and an employee. Before tying the knot.
I await with eager anticipation to see what the next move will be in my young and (so far) very exciting career as a creative.