By Iona Kirby
PUBLISHED: 01:27 EST, 15 April 2012 | UPDATED: 01:57 EST, 15 April 2012
It has been less than a month since she received an unwelcome surprise in the form of a flour bomb on the red carpet.
And now Kim Kardashian is having to answer once again to animal rights activists, who are now targeting her clothing store.
A throng of angry protestors today camped out at the Kardashian clothing store Dash in Calabasas.
Better make a Dash for it! Kim Kardashian's clothing store targeted by fur protestors
Activists: Protestors were campaigning against the use of fur in fashion
Furious anti-fur campaigners came armed with placards as they stood outside the shop.
The placards appeared to be emblazoned with images showing the 31-year-old wearing fur items, and had a slogan for Last Chance for Animals.
Sheriff deputies arrived at the scene in California today but it seems none of the Kardashian sisters - Kim, Kourtney and Khloe, who own the store, were around to face the music.
Personal: Some of the placards were emblazoned with images of the star appearing to wear fur
Taking action: Sheriff deputoes were called to the clothing store in Calabasas today
However Kim was still having to answer for her apparent fondness for fur.
She received a message on Twitter that said: 'STOP SELLING FUR at DASH',
And Kim was quick to retweet the message and add her response, which said simply: 'We don't sell fur at Dash.'
Last month Kim was pelted with cooking flour as she attended an event to launch her perfume in Los Angeles.
Angry: None of the Kardashian clan were around to face the throng of protestors
Hitting back: Kim took to Twitter to insist the store does not sell fur items
The assailant was revealed to be a campaigner for animal rights group PETA.
The revelation led to Kim's sister Khloe, 27, cutting all ties with the organisation.
The star had previously posed nude to front its anti-fur campaign.
Vendetta: Kim was targeted by anti-fur activists last month as she was pelted with a flour bomb