Reality trash Kim Kardashian has revealed that she would like to run for Mayor of the heavily Armenian city of Glendale, a suburb of L.A.
In the public interest, I offer these potential campaign slogans.
Kim Kardashian — In the Pubic Interest
Who Needs Reality? Vote Kim
I Will Personally Help Every Black Man in the City
I Only Want to Be Mayor for 72 Days
I'm Dumb Enough for Politics
Just Say Ho
No Child Left, and No Ho Without a… Behind
Liberty and Botox for All
My Country Tis of Me
Lipstick on a Pig
You Can Count (and Pee) on Me
The Land of the Fee
My Mom Said I Could
All for One, That One Being Me
Electrolysis for Everyone!
ty Johnny Lopez

bad form, can you believe it?, hot messes, kardashian, politics